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Julia Wood, author
In the Possessed thriller series (Possessed, Still Possessed, Dispossessed, Repossessed, Obsessed—each ~85,000 words, complete), San Francisco publisher Mary Steff seeks a person to portray seven gynoids (female androids) to satisfy her fetish proclivities. She saves from suicide a failing actor/freelance writer, Robin Jinnes, who agrees in return to be owned by her, to become those fembots. Using a Hollywood F/X artist, Steff describes/trains the AI-powered gynoids Robin portrays: Caucasian (Delight), Black (Black Beauty), Chinese (Xiuman), Latina (Putita), teenager (Mindy), pop singer (Diabolique), and three-eyed Goth (Gothicat). Fired by her company chairman, she produces a dramatic, ‘fact-based’ book and film, Rebirth, about her exotic creations. Her legal right to possess Delight is confirmed in court. Her beautiful human toys perform brilliantly, captivating all who see them. Robin escapes, via an intervention during which Steff dies by suicide, having made Delight the sole beneficiary of her >$100-million estate. The first four books’ co-protagonists are, after Steff’s death, obsessed with Delight, bent on discovering the inner person. Their motives: Delight’s new owner/manager, Miki Taylor, former talent-agency receptionist protecting a fragile soul, and her position, others' lust for the individual gynoids, intense journalist inquiry, legal shenanigans, greed for money from Steff’s estate, and much more. Obsessed’s climax involves a global, billion-dollar spectacle at Las Vegas’ Sphere, and stunning surprises at the Oscars. Can the gynoids endure? Will Robin’s identity and gender be revealed? Huge, general-thriller audiences will be eager to know. Filmmakers will clamor for rights.
