Plot/Idea: In an intriguing world of monsters and gatekeepers, the novel's strong theme of finding friendship and trust in unexpected places will speak to young readers as well as adults. Fans of fantasy and gory battle scenes will rejoice, and there is an added bit of romance for others.
Prose: Brown constructs an imaginative world with exceptional detail and description—a world where partnership and survival rely on each other. Readers will be drawn in from the beginning with Brown's lyrical writing and intrigue.
Originality: Brown's skillful worldbuilding is remarkably well-done, resulting in a system that relies on the synergy between friendship and trust to exist.
Character/Execution: Brown ensures plenty of background for readers to understand the characters and their relationship to each other. Fans will cheer for the main characters' friendship—and their kingdom—to prevail.
Date Submitted: August 18, 2023