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Paperback Book Details
  • 11/2023
  • 9798989110001
  • 270 pages
  • $11.99
Ebook Details
  • 11/2023
  • 979-8-9891100-1-8
  • 271 pages
  • $5.99
Dina Honour
It's a Lot to Unpack
Dina Honour, author
Dina Honour never imagined a life outside of New York City, but with one decision, she finds herself living a life on the move, unpacking not just the boxes and the books, but what it means to find yourself in places you were never expecting to be.
Keri Blooomfield, author of Nothing Like a Dane

Oh what a book! I devoured every word, every page and every chapter within a few days.

Dina is an incredibly gifted writer and has created a beautiful real tale of life as an expat over many years including 10 years in Copenhagen (my current city of residence) which made this even more of a hypnotic read for me. She writes with wisdom, humour and perfectly measured sharpness resulting in a truly clever memoir that had me laughing out loud and clapping my hands in admiration for a writer that tells it like it is and does a brilliant job in doing so.

When I grow up....I hope to one day write like Dina.

Kerry Bastow, Barnes & Noble

A Captivating Memoir, Lovely Writing

Dina Honour has lived an interesting life, but not one that makes headlines. Yet her telling of the story of self-discovery through her travels is so well told that you will find yourself unable to stop reading. Honour’s writing is the real star of the show. Easy to follow yet full of intertwining themes, vivid images and deep emotions. The chapter titles are so clever and had tunes stuck in my head for days. A delightful book!

Monica Calvert, Amazon

Where to start...I just love this fantastic book! There are so many things about this book that I love that I even had to take photos of sections that I want to refer to again as they touched my heart and mind. I laughed out load, I stopped to think and I even shed a few tears as I walked together with Dina's pink boots as she walks/flies/drives/bikes on her journey.

Noelle Wallace, Goodreads

I savored each word of this beautiful book. It felt like connecting with a friend over a frappe, glass of gløgg, or a beer each time I flipped to my marked page and began reading. Dina is a brilliant storyteller, compelling me to giggle often and even cry a few times throughout her journey and envision myself in each setting she molded into her family’s home. I am inspired by her resilience, appreciation for diverse cultures, and self discovery.

Paperback Book Details
  • 11/2023
  • 9798989110001
  • 270 pages
  • $11.99
Ebook Details
  • 11/2023
  • 979-8-9891100-1-8
  • 271 pages
  • $5.99
