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Joseph Mujwit

All that stands between violent poachers and the annihilation of endangered elephants in Africa’s Garamba National Park are Ike Motumbo, his poorly trained and equipped Rangers, and three mercenaries.

Garamba lies at a point Ike refers to as “the confluence of Heaven and Hell.” His team is losing the battle against poachers assailing the World Heritage site in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The Rangers are outmanned, outgunned, and in a race to save the critically endangered elephants, giraffes, and other animals who make their home in the unique habitat. Billionaire Hernan Scott believes the world is suffering the “Sixth Great Extinction” and is willing to use his resources to slow the progression. He hires former Green Beret Joseph “Bo” Ludwicz, his mechanic/pilot best friend Richard “Chops” Truman, and former South African Recces soldier Alfie Stack to train and equip the rangers in their fight.

Tensions build as Ike’s spiritual conviction clashes with Bo’s lack of faith. Ike sees himself as the second coming of Saint Francis of Assisi and believes he has a divine mandate to protect all the animals in the park. Racial tension arises between Alfie and Ike’s deputy, James “Jimbo” Tsonga. Can the team put aside its differences and pull together before the animals are wiped out?

