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Ryan Wakefield
Journey to Jumbalot
Alby, a loyal house cat, bravely walks through Professor Wizoom's triangular doorway and is transported to a strange, new world. He befriends a humorous and somewhat annoying little froguar named Fremmy; the froguar agrees to help Alby search for the missing professor. Their search will take Alby and Fremmy on an adventure within a fantasy world not filled with elves, orcs, and dragons. No, they are in a world inhabited by intelligent hybrid animals called jumboos. Courageous tigeroons, wise pandowls, dangerous wolvaraptors, and menacing mantaravens are just a handful of amazing creatures they will encounter during their search. Join them as they dodge pulse blasts from jumboo pirates, befriend animal hybrids with magical powers, and witness an unbelievable battle between two jumboo armies! Open your mind and prepare for a journey into a middle grade fantasy novel packed with humor, thrilling action, and heartfelt compassion! Prepare for a Journey to Jumbalot!
