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Ebook Details
  • 11/2021
  • 978-1-7378870-1-0 B09L6KZ8D7
  • 765 pages
  • $3.99
Paperback Details
  • 11/2021
  • 978-1737887003
  • 644 pages
  • $16.95
Hardcover Details
  • 11/2021
  • 978-1737887027
  • 534 pages
  • $24.99
Jeanne Roland
Journeys: The Archers of Saint Sebastian
It’s the 14th century, and the longbow is king. But in the northern European principality of Ardennes, archery isn’t just the nation’s defense. It’s the national obsession. MEET THE JOURNEYS 12 young Journeyman archers, the best in the country 2 years of public competitions, in which looks count almost as much as ability 6 will win a coveted membership in the Archers’ Guild of St. Sebastian 1 will become the prince’s new Guardsman MEET MARIEKE 15-year-old Marieke is as obsessed with St. Sebastian’s as everyone else in Ardennes. Only it’s the middle ages, and girls just don’t become elite archers. Except Marieke's prospects as a girl aren't promising either, after a well-timed kick from a mule has left her with a face that’s badly scarred and ruined for marriage. But when circumstances force her to leave her old life behind and flee to the guild for refuge, there are only two things Marieke really knows about the place. One is that a mysterious accident ended her own father’s time as a Journey. The other? There are no women allowed inside St. Sebastian’s. Marieke knows disguising herself as a boy and infiltrating the guild means embarking on a dangerous deception. But it may be her only chance to find out the truth about her father’s past and to stop a murderous plot from coming to fruition. When the dashing young Journeyman Tristan takes her under his wing as his squire, she’s got to stay – at least long enough to help him beat out his brutal arch-rival to win the competitions. Keeping her identity a secret will be hard. Living in close quarters with a pack of gorgeous boys? That will be harder still. But the hardest thing of all will be keeping the vow she makes for herself: to see Tristan become the next Guardsman, without ever letting him find out she’s a girl - a girl, who loves him.
Amazon Reviewer

5.0 out of 5 stars Super fun! A good book to get lost in. Not just for lovers of romance and archery.

This was a fabulous book! As other reviewers have said, I couldn’t put it down. All of the characters were so well-drawn and distinctive, and likeable in an imperfect way. This story has it all--a heroine to root for, intrigue, romance, humor, archery, and swoon-worthy boys. What more could you ask for, besides more from Jeanne Roland?

I was immediately drawn into the details of Marieke’s world and her obvious love for archery. Roland builds up the mystery of Marieke’s father’s time at the guild, while establishing Marieke’s struggles with the limitations of being a girl at that time. But when Marieke reaches the guild, the story really takes off, as we meet all the gorgeous, but also loveable and at times irritating boys-bordering on men competing to become a Journey. Sometimes you really feel for Marieke, and sometimes you just have to laugh at what comes out of her mouth.

I loved that this book is funny and has characters you can get behind, even though it also has all the tension of a book that centers around a competition. I definitely got obsessed with the various Journeys—Gilles, magnificent fashion sense, Falko, laughed every time he entered a scene, Charles and Jerome, love them! And of course Tristan is Tristan. Please take off his shirt more. Even the more villainous Journeys were intriguing. The archery scenes were equally fantastic! This book will appeal to both YA and adult readers. It’s one of those books that makes you keep thinking about the characters after it’s over.

Amazon Reviewer

5.0 out of 5 stars This Is a Must Read!

This eloquently written, action-packed book appeals to readers of all ages, from young adult to adult. I couldn’t put this book down! The characters are dynamic (Falko might quite possibly be the best character ever written), and Roland is a master of tension and drama; the relationships Roland creates are interesting and compelling. Love triangle, check; steamy romances, check; gorgeous men, check, check, check. Lastly, I would be remiss if I didn’t say the ending is to die for! I love the symbolism of the hawk and the mouse! Needless to say, I will be buying the sequel! Can’t wait!

Ebook Details
  • 11/2021
  • 978-1-7378870-1-0 B09L6KZ8D7
  • 765 pages
  • $3.99
Paperback Details
  • 11/2021
  • 978-1737887003
  • 644 pages
  • $16.95
Hardcover Details
  • 11/2021
  • 978-1737887027
  • 534 pages
  • $24.99
