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Paperback Book Details
  • 06/2020
  • 9781734444803
  • 262 pages
  • $16.99
Jules Mermelstein
Justice, Justice Shall You Pursue, Volume 1
He's an attorney who doesn't let the law get in the way of his pursuit of justice. When the NSA uses threats and murder to try to get one of his clients convicted, will he survive to obtain justice? Meet Joshua Frankel, a defense attorney who knows firsthand that truth, justice and the law do not always align, and is willing to step outside the law in pursuit of justice. In this first book of a new series, Frankel’s case is that of a wealthy widower who claims he is being framed by the NSA for the murder of his wife. It seems a bit far-fetched to Frankel, but it’s up to him to figure out the truth — a task that, as it turns out, will put him and his team in grave peril. Throw in some international intrigue and government corruption, and you get a thriller from the dark side of the legal system full of tension and danger that will keep you guessing — and turning pages — until the very end.
David A. Keightly, Sr., attorney, former prosecutor, former district judge

"This book is a fun, insightful look at a briliant lawyer in search of justice, his team of dedicated professionals, and some international intrigue. As a courtroom 'insider', I loved the details in the trial preparation and the courtroom, and the realistic personalities of the people who worked there. My advice: Get this book and read it!"

Julius James DeAngelus, author of "Dancing on Seaside"

"A legal thrill ride that will keep you guessing to the very end!"

Sidebar Magazine, Montgomery Bar Association

"What I can say without spoiling the plot is that this is an entertaining crime drama, . . ..

Jules Mermelstein's Justice, Justice Shall You Pursue says on the cover, 'The first novel in the "Pursuing Justice" Series.' I sincerely hope there are many more books in this series.

I strongly recommend that you buy and read this book. You will enjoy it."

Stuart Visnov, Founder, Echelon Protection & Surveillance

"A tension packed, legal thriller that takes you into the realm of high-level security, personal protection and private investigations."

Paperback Book Details
  • 06/2020
  • 9781734444803
  • 262 pages
  • $16.99
