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Kimberly Wilde
Kaleidoscopic Ruins
BETRAYED, OUTRAGED, AND HUMILIATED due to the unfairness of life's game, four distinct individuals charter their own courses in search of validation and glory. Alice, a serial killer, believes her agency was stolen and murdering is the only way free; Tess, an underground fighter, can't stand feeling less than anyone else and is determined to win the crowd's approval; Megan, a seventeen-year-old girl, assumes everyone hates her and getting rid of her younger brother will solve things; and Dr. Bromer, a college professor, believes he can't rely on anyone but himself and devolves into a mad man. However, there’s one more individual: Jessy Prince, a young doctor who places her trust in the wrong thing and ruins a promising career. She’s not like the other four, as her tragedy lies not in taking action, but instead, begins and ends with an unwillingness to solve her own crime. It’s truly tragic, but aren’t they all? Despite their miserable endings and methods, they share one thing: a victim mentality. This is a learned behavior, which pits a person against everyone and everything, developed through consistency and is reinforced by negative thoughts, actions, and circumstances. Yet, it’s not just fictional characters who fall into this detrimental behavior. In a straightforward and personal way, Kimberly shares her own experiences on how a victim mentality nearly destroyed her life from the time she was in high school up to becoming an English teacher.
