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Dr. KD Wagner
Kathy: How I Survived Tragic Loss
Book 3 - reveals the "Rest of the Story!" As a mother who lost both her sons in separate homicides, two years apart, at 18 and 24, Kathy has to find a new purpose for her life and a reason to stay on earth. First, she fulfills a promise to her sons. Next, she becomes involved in the American Gold Star Mothers, Inc. organization, as the loss of her oldest son, while serving in the U.S. Navy during Operation Iraqi Freedom made her a Gold Star Mother. Then, she took a "Leap of Faith," and jumped at 14,000 feet with the Army Golden Knights Elite Parachute group and started writing Book 1, JEFFREY - The Injustice of murder, and BUD - Homicide Turns a Blue Star Gold sharing the story of the loss of her 2 sons.
