Quarter Finalist
Plot: Milton's exceptional YA novel chronicles the changing relationship dynamics between three teens as they navigate and strive toward their meaningful individual short-term goals which may or may not ultimately involve one another. Small moments and life-altering circumstances are equally well-conveyed and contribute weight and substance to the story of coming together and moving apart.
Prose: Chapters fluidly alternate between the POV’s of the three primary characters, each immediately distinctive. Milton’s prose is refined, textured, and a great joy to read.
Originality: Milton's novel integrates familiar young adult conflicts, including disappointing romance, sexual identity, and the search for self-fulfillment through travel. However, this work stands apart from other YA novels via its punchy, confessional prose that allows for the voices of its characters to fully and memorably emerge.
Character/Execution: This truly character-driven novel brings to life individuals with vivid personalities and idiosyncratic passions—from Mortal Combat to The Cure—that compellingly influence their actions and worldviews.
Date Submitted: August 29, 2020