This children's book is a beautifully illustrated humorous nursery rhyme that is fun for all ages. We will definitely look forward to the next adventure with these three very lovable lizards!
Great art work along with cute story!
Wow! Bob Richardson has the gift. What a beautifully conceived and executed book, with gorgeous illustrations and a timeless message of togetherness. It comes from lovably quirky characters at once lustrous and lizardous in affirming there are no mutants when friendship is the agenda. Thumbs way, way up!
For the past few years I have volunteered as a reading tutor/ buddy for third grade children. This year I have an 8 year old bi/lingual boy who would much rather play video games then read books.
Though our reading sessions I did learn that his main interests are dinosaurs and lizards. The Laboratory (Lab) Lizards was a great motivational tool for my student. Once we finished our reading assignment we would read a few pages with the time we had left. He loved the rhyming and found the drawings particularly entertaining. Not only did his reading improve, so did his comprehension. At the end of the year he was at the high end of the required reading level for his grade. As a parting gift, I am giving him this book along and the Laboratory Lizards go to Hollywood.