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Paperback Book Details
  • 06/2013
  • 9781490416434 1490416439
  • 286 pages
  • $10.99
Adrian Heflin
Lady of the Manor
Richard Creek finds himself and his family living under the roof of his abusive mother. He has to manage the volatile emotions of the lady of the manor as she continually degrades his family. Tempers flare during the blazing hot summer of 1958 in this atypical home in Savannah, Georgia. Rape, murder, and abuse victims accumulate around this family as they come to the conclusion that they can't allow her to hurt anyone else.
Reader's Favorite

        Reviewed by Jessyca Garcia for Readers' Favorite

Lady of the Manor by Adrian Q. Heflin is my favorite kind of book. Not since V.C. Andrews’ book, Flowers in the Attic, have I read about so much family drama and so many secrets. The story follows the lives of the Creek family. Rosemary Creek, the evil matriarch, forces her son and his family to live with her in her manor in order to stay in her will. The manor is home to thirty years of dark family secrets. Every member of Rosemary’s family, as well as the whole town, hates her with a passion but is too scared to go against her orders.

I thought Lady of the Manor was a fantastic, drama filled book. Reading about another family’s drama always makes me appreciate my own family. Especially after reading about all of Rosemary Creek’s dark secrets. My favorite thing about this book was all of the secrets. Some of those secrets were absolutely shocking, which made it hard to put down the book in case another secret was coming. Heflin is a genius when it comes to putting twists and turns in a story. I loved how Heflin gave every character a background story telling where they came from. I also liked that every character in this book had a secret.

Lady of the Manor is the type of book that I will read over again just to make sure that I did not miss any secrets. I definitely recommend this book to anyone who is a V.C. Andrews fan. I am talking about the original V.C. Andrews, not the ghost writer who is far too innocent for my tastes. There is no reason why this book should not be on a best seller list.

Paperback Book Details
  • 06/2013
  • 9781490416434 1490416439
  • 286 pages
  • $10.99
