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Mike Nemeth
Leaning Against the Sun
Mike Nemeth, author
Randle is a canny and disinhibited man who developed a unique moral code while incarcerated for a crime he didn’t commit. The experience taught him the difference between justice under the law and fairness in the eyes of the common man. His professional colleague, Sabrina, holds a master’s degree from Stanford, and is on a crusade to prove that a black woman can be a success in the South. Sabrina is Randle’s partner-in-crime in a cat-and-mouse game with a dogged detective who suspects Randle has committed a murder. When another man is charged with the crime—a murder Randle fears his alcoholic wife committed—Randle’s moral code is tested and Sabrina becomes his conscience. Sabrina uncovers their employer’s scheme to transfer thousands of US jobs to India and induces Randle to expose the fraud. The battle with powerful forces plays out against the backdrop of Randle’s and Sabrina’s fateful attraction to one another. In a race against time, the story shifts from Atlanta to Columbia, SC, to St. Petersburg, FL, and finally to New Orleans where it culminates in a life-or-death showdown in St. Louis Cemetery No. 2.
