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Ebook Details
  • 09/2023
  • 101 pages
  • $2.99
Paperback Details
  • 09/2023
  • B0CHL7DG2M
  • 99 pages
  • $8.00
Robin M Farella
Legends of Asadore: Elemental Threads
Over five hundred years before Ellie stepped through the tapestry in her Gram’s shop, the balance of Asadore was in the capable hands of her ancestor, Niaira Rivers, Keeper of the Water. Niaira was joined by Landon Terra, Keeper of the Earth Element, Elara Gayle, Keeper of the Air Element, and Ignis Blaize, Keeper of the Fire Element. Legends of Asadore: Elemental Threads tells the tale of the creation of tapestry travel in Asadore. This may seem as this would be a mere footnote in the history of Asadore, but as with all events in Asadore, his tale is one of profound tragedy, unwavering resilience, and unbreakable unity. It encapsulates the spirit of each individual who, driven by a common purpose, strove to protect Asadore's fragile balance from the relentless forces bent on its annihilation.

Amazon 5 Star Reader Review 

I am so in love with these characters. Robin Farella has once again written something I couldn’t put down, and I’m so glad to know there are more adventures of Asadore to come.

Ebook Details
  • 09/2023
  • 101 pages
  • $2.99
Paperback Details
  • 09/2023
  • B0CHL7DG2M
  • 99 pages
  • $8.00
