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GG Collins
Lemurian Medium
GG Collins, author
A friend disappears into a painting at a posh Santa Fe gallery. Rachel Blackstone witnesses the paranormal kidnapping, but is helpless to stop it. She isn’t prepared for the reality of where her friend has been taken. In this strange ancient world, it’s difficult to know whom to trust. But somehow, she must avoid the Mesoamerican deity who dines on humans and rescue her friend before the catastrophic event occurs that will take the island continent to the sea floor.


Hang on's quite a trip!

The "lost continent" of Lumuria has fascinated me for a long time, almost as much as the American Southwest and the idea of astral travel, so a mystery set in Santa Fe with a trip to Lumuria thrown in had me hooked from the start. I really enjoyed the story, the mystery kept me guessing all the way. The idea of astral travel was well-presented and I'll be looking for more books by G G Collins.


Rachel Blackstone is a gifted magazine writer and enjoys her work. She is also a paranormal investigator whether she likes it or not. The disappearance of her co-worker and friend at a recent art show has her back on a case to find her friend. Strange occurrences at the Art show causes her friend to vanish. Now Rachel has to find the way to find her missing friend and get her back. She starts first investigating what she knows with her boss and when he gives her the necklace he had given the missing woman one touch tells Rachel she is again dealing with the supernatural. Once she has the necklace at her home and goes to lay it out she begins to see her problem when it turns into an ancient serpent god. Now she has dealt with malevolent spirits before but nothing this big. Her search takes her on journey to ancient Lemuria via Astral Projection. Finding her friend there and getting her back to the real world is going to be a challenge since the huge snake god wants to now destroy her if she can’t stop the volcano from destroying Lemuria. All of this would destroy most people but Rachel Blackstone will worry about that after she solves the mystery. This is full of twists and turns and well I had to read it all the way through as I couldn’t put it down. Grab it now while you visit Lemuria and get ready to hold your breath till the end.

