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Paperback Book Details
  • 02/2017
  • 9781542703352 1542703352
  • 186 pages
  • $9,99
Paperback Details
  • 02/2017
  • 9781542703352 B01N9ZLS2T
  • 186 pages
  • $9.99
rubby nwonye
Let Me Die
Rubby Nwonye, author
Elsie hated the awful care her mom received from a nursing home and the associated back and forth visit to the hospital. It hurt anytime she remembered the pain and agony her mom suffered from endless needle sticks for intravenous, pick line, blood draw, finger sticks, tube feeding, and tracheotomy while in a coma, yet she didn’t survive. In her will, Elsie directed her children and lawyers in advance, “Do not resuscitate or put me on life support if I’m in a similar situation as my mom. Please let me die.” Two of her three children came to terms with her. Rodney, her oldest, wasn’t just the outlier, but also a criminal mastermind bent on favoring himself in Elsie’s will. His long process to steal, rob and burgle in an attempt to forge Elsie’s will, was thwarted by the cops. That landed him and his buddy in prison. This novel combines little aspect of healthcare, more of crime and romance.

ByAmazon Customeron February 13, 2017

Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase

Let me die captures an interesting story line and live characters, which made it difficult for me to drop the book until i'm done. It has this good blend of medical resuscitation alongside with the thriller aspect and love triangle. In my opinion, there's something for everyone in the book. I will read it over again because there's no boredom with the book. Good job with editing which makes the novel easy to follow. The author deserves my good rating.

Paperback Book Details
  • 02/2017
  • 9781542703352 1542703352
  • 186 pages
  • $9,99
Paperback Details
  • 02/2017
  • 9781542703352 B01N9ZLS2T
  • 186 pages
  • $9.99
