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LIFE BY DESIGN-Tales of a Dracula-Baby Immigrant
The book shows the contrast between the idyllic world of childhood with its elements of magic realism and the oppression and lack of freedom in the old communist system. Ileana, a privileged child, who comes from a non-communist family. Shielded in childhood from the everyday reality, she develops as an individual during her college years, and especially after getting married very early to escape the glass bowl she was kept under at home. She lives through the earthquake of 1977, discrimination against her in the architectural school, and starts voicing her dangerous political views, leading to enough conflict that she has to leave everything behind and defect to the US. Denied at first political asylum, she wins the appeal process and becomes a successful architect in NYC, where she ends up building the Times Square tower. After finding the love of her life at the age of 49 and leaves NYC and with her husband, they move South a few times and she gets to have the joyful life of her dreams. In time, she recognizes the symptoms of social decay and economic-political tensions and moves with her husbands and pets to Mexico. She learns the language, designs, and builds a new house, and undertakes with her husband the audacious plan to build the ideal travel vehicle for travel and discovery. It is a story of raw guts, courage, and survival, but also the love of life, confidence, success, and strength of character. Meant to encourage people to create the life they want, not just dream of it, the book is a testimony that destiny emerges from the choices we make in life. Your Destiny is in your hands!
