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Paperback Book Details
  • 10/2023
  • 9798765242025
  • 216 pages
  • $29.99
Life In Lyrics: Channeling A Musician By Writing With Spirit Guides

Adult; Spirituality/Inspirational; (Market)

LIFE IN LYRICS: CHANNELING A MUSICIAN BY WRITING WITH SPIRIT GUIDES is the true story of the author’s experience with Channeled Writing - channeling a well-known musician from the afterlife who has come back to reach a loved one and has messages for his band, Spirit Guides including Archangels teach us about working with our spiritual team to co-create music, writing, and anything creative in the flow, and gives insights into the shift in energy on Earth and within each of us happening now, as we enter a new Golden Age life of high frequency energy on Earth. The book is channeled writing of rhyming lyrical short stories and song lyrics - many from a musician's perspective!
Paperback Book Details
  • 10/2023
  • 9798765242025
  • 216 pages
  • $29.99
