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Paperback Details
  • 00/2024
  • 9798891551541
  • 188 pages
  • $$13.95
Epub Details
  • 00/2024
  • 9798891551565
  • 189 pages
  • $$ 4.50
Gina Charles
Life’s Love Song
The Trestin family, with their enviable upper-middle-class life, large house, and prestigious school, is the epitome of aspiration –until their perfect world begins to crumble. Maddie and Duncan, basking in the glow of admiration at school, find their star status dimming as a series of misfortunes strikes the family. Illness, injury, and the turbulent tides of high school romance test them all. United, the Trestins draw strength from one another, facing each challenge head-on. In the midst of turmoil, they discover the true value of what they have, learning a profound lesson in what matters most in life.
Paperback Details
  • 00/2024
  • 9798891551541
  • 188 pages
  • $$13.95
Epub Details
  • 00/2024
  • 9798891551565
  • 189 pages
  • $$ 4.50
