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Ebook Details
  • 11/2022
  • 9798986878201 B0BP9SHPP9
  • 101 pages
  • $14.95
marlon waterman
Light After Divorce

Adult; Self-Help, Sex & Relationships, Psychology, Philosophy, Fashion; (Market)

This book, Light After Divorce, can help mature couples get past the trauma of a broken situation in their marriage, to help them reconcile their differences before deciding to divorce.
This compact, upbeat guide from Waterman (author of the devotional Be The Light) offers an encouraging look at how to let go, “clean the clutter,” and move on after divorce, with special emphasis on handling emotions and grief over the loss of a marriage and its promise of forever. Waterman frankly recounts his own experiences and feelings after a divorce, sharing ways he worked anguish and anger with therapy and self-reflection, especially the work it takes to face guilt and resentment, to learn to better communicate, to find the “bright side” in the failed relationship, and eventually to establish “a clean slate concerning the most valuable relationship of all, the SELF.” Living up to its title, Light After Divorce acknowledges the pain it takes to achieve that—but also the urgency of learning to love and trust again.

Each conversational chapter of this self-help guide shares insightful ways to reflect, grow, and heal, and Waterman poses in-depth questions at the end of each for readers to apply to themselves and their own lives. Touching on themes such as self-care, accountability, and growth, Waterman showcases the challenges that individuals face as they try to move past the hurt involved with divorce, plus opportunities to learn and grow from the experience, especially with regard to future relationships. (The distinction between "chemistry" and "compatibility" is key.) The prose is simple but easy to follow, with personal anecdotes that will resonate with readers, and much informative and motivational material.

A quick read with practical advice for those going through a divorce or break-up, or looking for guidance on managing and navigating long-term committed relationships, Light After Divorce offers tips and insights that can be applied to any marriage or relationship that needs improvement—and a friendly reminder that it's never too late to grow and become better in love.

Takeaway: An upbeat self-help book showcasing how to grow, heal, and move on after divorce.

Great for fans of: Louise L. Hay and David Kessler’s You Can Heal Your Heart, Heidi Priebe’s This is Me Letting You Go

Production grades
Cover: A-
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: B+
Marketing copy: A

Ebook Details
  • 11/2022
  • 9798986878201 B0BP9SHPP9
  • 101 pages
  • $14.95
