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Rebecca Seymour
Lily: A novel
Lily is a kind and unwary soul who tries to help her selfish best friend Sarah overcome her marital conflicts. Sarah has an insatiable appetite for the luxuries of the modern world and high social status, while Lily enjoys simple things in life and loves nature. The women’s husbands, Adam and Josh, are business partners who own a Philadelphia based IT company. They landed a promising contract with a pharmaceutical company and soon enjoyed good financial returns. To celebrate their success, the two couples decide to go on a mutual vacation to the Grand Canyon. Only the first couple of days of their vacation went well. Josh inadvertently discovers that Sarah had planned to stage a whitewater rafting accident to kill Adam for their corporate life insurance proceeds. Although her initial plan fell through, Sarah still manages to kill Adam by pushing him off a cliff. Josh dies too trying to save Adam. Only upon her return to Philadelphia, Lily finds out that what had happened in the Grand Canyon was not an accident. She sets her heart to serve justice to Sarah and brings her back to the same spot in the canyon where Adam and Josh had died. She gives Sarah two options: stay free from jail by jumping off the cliff or stay alive by voluntarily confessing the crime thus mitigating the likelihood of capital punishment. Sarah chose the latter. Lily is a kind and unwary soul who tries to help her selfish best friend Sarah overcome her marital conflicts. Sarah has an insatiable appetite for the luxuries of the modern world and high social status, while Lily enjoys simple things in life and loves nature. The women’s husbands, Adam and Josh, are business partners who own a Philadelphia based IT company. They landed a promising contract with a pharmaceutical company and soon enjoyed good financial returns. To celebrate their success, the two couples decide to go on a mutual vacation to the Grand Canyon. Only the first couple of days of their vacation went well. Josh inadvertently discovers that Sarah had planned to stage a whitewater rafting accident to kill Adam for their corporate life insurance proceeds. Although her initial plan fell through, Sarah still manages to kill Adam by pushing him off a cliff. Josh dies too trying to save Adam. Only upon her return to Philadelphia, Lily finds out that what had happened in the Grand Canyon was not an accident. She sets her heart to serve justice to Sarah and brings her back to the same spot in the canyon where Adam and Josh had died. She gives Sarah two options: stay free from jail by jumping off the cliff or stay alive by voluntarily confessing the crime thus mitigating the likelihood of capital punishment. Sarah chose the latter.
