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DL Fowler
Lincoln's Angel: the Rebecca Pomroy Story
DL Fowler, author

Adult; General Fiction (including literary and historical); (Market)

A novel of triumph over tragedy.

Experience the true story of a woman who persisted through adversity and quietly left an indelible mark on history.

After thirty years of catastrophic loss and debilitating grief, Rebecca rises from the ashes of her life to become a Civil War army nurse offering hope and healing to countless sick, wounded, and dying soldiers. But when she encounters the weight of anguish borne by President and Mrs. Lincoln, her true calling is revealed. She must rescue them from despair and self-doubt or risk the Union’s collapse. With unwavering determination and boundless compassion, Rebecca devotes herself to the president's family, as she continues to nurse scores of patients in her overcrowded, understaffed hospital ward.

Don't miss out on the astonishing journey of Lincoln's Angel, a tale of resilience, devotion, and the power of the human spirit to overcome even the darkest of tragedies. Inspired by Rebecca Pomroy’s journal, letters & recollections. Based on real lives, real places, and actual events.


DL Fowler is a master storyteller and a thorough researcher. Much has been written about Abraham Lincoln's life, but the author's extensive research and quest for lost stories makes this book [Lincoln’s Angel] stand out … Regardless of the reader's outlook on the Civil War, this historically based novel will enlighten and inspire …. 

D.K. Marley for The Historical Fiction Company

5 of 5 stars

Lincoln’s Angel was an incredibly touching read and truly made readers feel connected to the admirable Rebecca Pomroy … a truly inspiring historical figure. Grief is a heavy theme interwoven throughout the narrative creating a very Dickensian atmosphere … freedom is also integral to the plot. … profound and relevant in today’s world …  poignant facets of what it means to be human. 

Lincoln’s Angel is a heartrending biographical novel detailing the life of the heroic Rebecca Pomroy. Her life was nothing short of astounding. Readers follow Rebecca from her childhood all the way until the end of her life. She lived through many trials and tribulations, both on a personal scale with ailing family members and on a global scale when she worked as a nurse for the injured soldiers during the American Civil War. Despite the darkness that stalked her entire life, the brightness within her heart never dimmed, making her story a truly inspiring one.Readers are immediately entrenched in the world of Rebecca Pomroy from the first page.

Overall, Lincoln’s Angel was an incredibly touching read and truly made readers feel connected to the admirable Rebecca Pomroy. Her life was one full of hardship but the way she navigated it with such grace and faith is truly worthy of appreciation and celebration. Readers are witness to her struggles, grief, accomplishments, successes but most of all, we are given a glimpse into the bigness of her golden heart, always giving, always willing to sacrifice what she can to help a soul in pain.This novel is certainly not for the faint of heart as it depicts some form of tragedy on almost every page. It is laden with sadness and struggle and comes with some hefty trigger warnings. It will shatter the reader’s heart over and over again. Despite this, we rate Lincoln’s Angel a 5 out of 5 star read as it depicts the brutal honesty of living conditions of the time, the raw emotions people felt, and the admirable faith that people had to carry them through the struggles. 

Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers’ Favorite

5.0 out of 5 stars"

Too often in life, we overlook the simple people who come into our lives to make things better. Those who care for us and help us along what may sometimes be a difficult path. We tend to focus on the newsmakers, the big names that make history. Like Lincoln, the President of the United States and a man of great influence. DL Fowler’s historical novel, Lincoln’s Angel: The Rebecca Pomroy Story, unravels a forgotten piece of history. Told in the third person narrative, the plot follows Rebecca as she grows up, matures, takes on caring roles, and finally meets the presidential couple. The author has used many historical documents, including Rebecca’s daily journal and letters. The author writes with vivid sincerity, creating a meaningful tableau of real-life events that weave both fact and fiction into a compelling story. A fascinating read, one that inspires triumph over tragedy."

Midwest Book Review, D Donovan - Senior Reviewer

Fowler creates a compelling saga … outstanding not just for its compelling portraits, but for its solid roots in real research and its gift for exposing and returning to historical circles the lesser-known experiences of Lincoln’s life.

Susan Higginbotham, author of Queen of the Platform and John Brown's Women

5.0 out of 5 stars Moving account of a brave woman

A moving account of the courageous Rebecca Pomroy, who underwent tragedy after tragedy, but remained resilient and found her calling ministering to wounded soldiers--and a despairing President--during the Civil War. The interactions between Pomroy and Lincoln are particularly well done.

Lincoln's Angel named a finalist for Hawthorne Prize

Lincoln's Angel: the Rebecca Pomroy Story was selected as a finalist for the 2024 Hawthorne Prize. The Hawthorne Prize is an elite writing award for the best works of fiction founded by in honor of renowned American novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne. 

Lincoln's Angel wins "Highly Recommended Award"

We'd like to congratulate you on earning five stars and the "Highly Recommended" award of excellence from The Historical Fiction Company!

