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DL Fowler
Lincoln's Angel: the Rebecca Pomroy Story
DL Fowler, author

Adult; General Fiction (including literary and historical); (Market)

A novel of triumph over tragedy. Experience the true story of a woman who defied all odds and changed the course of history. Despite enduring thirty years of debilitating grief, Rebecca finds the strength to become an army nurse during the Civil War, bringing hope and healing to countless soldiers. But when she encounters the weight of anguish borne by President and Mrs. Lincoln, Rebecca's true calling is revealed. She must rescue them from despair and self-doubt or risk the Union’s collapse. With unwavering determination and boundless compassion, Rebecca devotes herself to the president's family, as she continues to nurse scores of patients in her overcrowded, understaffed ward. Don't miss out on the astonishing journey of Lincoln's Angel, a tale of resilience, devotion, and the power of the human spirit to overcome even the darkest of tragedies. Inspired by Rebecca Pomroy’s journal, letters & recollections. Based on real lives, real places, and actual events.

