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Paperback Book Details
  • 01/2021
  • 9781716202872
  • 122 pages
  • $13.38
Lila Marquez
Author, Illustrator, Contributor
Line Breaker: A Collection of Poems
Lila Marquez, author

"Line Breaker" is the debut poetry collection of artist and writer, Lila Marquez. It is about topics she's most passionate about such as social justice, immigration, nonhuman animals, labor issues and the environment. Lila Marquez is a Filipina writer and artist. She lived in Kuwait for over 15 years where her articles, columns, comic strips and illustrations have been published in Kuwait’s local newspapers and magazines from 2007 under the pseudonym, Armineonila M. Her literary writings and artworks have also appeared in literary anthologies, art publications and art exhibitions in Kuwait, the Philippines and abroad.


"Line Breaker" by Lila Marquez is a powerful collection of poetry that explores themes of identity, womanhood, love, loss, and social justice. It also offers an exploration of the themes on migration and export labor policies which are central to the poems. Marquez's writing is both vivid and lyrical, with each poem packing a punch in just a few lines. Her passion for social justice and advocacy for marginalized communities is evident throughout the collection, making the poems not just emotionally resonant but also socially relevant. The poems tackle issues such as racism, sexism, and the immigrant experience, giving voice to those who are often unheard.

The writing style is both lyrical and powerful, using vivid imagery and metaphors to convey complex emotions and thoughts. Her use of different poetic forms and techniques adds richness and depth to the collection, showcasing her versatility and skill as a writer.

"Line Breaker" is a beautifully written and deeply moving collection of poetry that offers a powerful exploration of the human experience. It is a must-read for anyone who loves poetry that is both honest and socially relevant.


"Line Breaker" is one of the books recommended to me by my former Literature professor. This is a fully-packed book on different subjects of global concern. While it is a beautifully written collection of poetry, some readers may find the free-verse style and lack of traditional structure to be a challenge. However, the unique style adds a sense of urgency and immediacy to the poems. The collection touches on a range of themes, including immigration, migrant labor, human rights, exploitation, environmentalism, animal rights and social justice, and Marquez's writing is both thought-provoking and powerful. Each poem is a journey in itself, taking the reader on a ride of raw emotion and introspection. A truly recommended read.


I have rarely read contemporary poems that are beautifully-written and actually have substance. Line Breaker is a rare book that transcends time, space and perspectives. The satirical poems are the real highlights of this collection as they simply stand out. The themes on migration, identity, alienation, and many other socially relevant and pertaining to current political climate have never been so brilliantly expressed and illustrated in any other poetry collections. The poems in this collection are deep, thought-provoking and "revolutionary" (so to speak). Make sure you do not miss this one. Grab a copy and you'll know what I mean.

Paperback Book Details
  • 01/2021
  • 9781716202872
  • 122 pages
  • $13.38
