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Diana Nuri
Lines on the palm
Diana Nuri, author
These are different stories of women with one common thread—power. Each one uses her power in a different way. One woman uses it for good, while another one doesn't. The same happens in life. The program of creation sometimes loses to selfish impulses, impacting not only our lives, but also the lives of others. Jess' story is about a girl with a very disadvantaged start in life. Will she be able to channel her power in the right direction and bring love into this world, despite all the trials and obstacles? Do you know what hatred can lead to? A hatred that burns, devouring both flesh and soul? Kira doesn't notice when her life goes the wrong way, and when she finally does, it is too late to fix anything. Tonya's story tells about a different start. How a woman who has everything destroys not only her own life, but also the lives of other, completely innocent people. On the other hand, Sonya, despite appearing weak, stands up to the man who not only belittles her, but demands something much worse. We see stories like Ellen's every day as we scroll through our feed, but we grimace when we later read the news and discover the truth. Is this game worth the effort? You can draw your own conclusions about Clara, but this happens all the time. Read the stories and tell me which one resonated with you.
