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Austin Dragon
Liquid Cool: The Cyberpunk Detective Series
Liquid Cool is the action-packed (and funny) debut sci-fi detective novel! It’s cyberpunk reimagined—science fiction meets the detective thriller in an ever-rainy world of colossal skyscrapers. Hovercars fly above in the dark, bustling skies and gray people walk below on the grimy, flashy streets of this “neon jungle.” Metropolis isn’t a bad place, but it isn’t a good one either. Uber-governments and megacorporations fight for control of the city, but so does crime. This story continues…and there are so many more. For the first time, we meet Cruz, our private eye (and unlikely hero), in a fifty-million-plus supercity with a million victims and perpetrators. Welcome to the high-tech, low-life world of Liquid Cool.
