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Open Ebook Ebook Details
  • 07/2018
  • 9781732843370
  • 278 pages
  • $3.99
Paperback Book Details
  • 07/2018
  • 9781733660235
  • 260 pages
  • $13.50
Barbara Woster
Love Through Time
Savannah and Tyeshia are the best of friends, but can that friendship withstand the test of time? ​Tyeshia is a statuesque black beauty with a romantic heart who captures the attention of a 200-year-old ghost bent on mischief. Savannah is responsible for opening the door that brings that mischievous specter into their life, and now she must find a way to close it before Tyeshia is lost forever, but can Savannah focus on what needs to be done when she’s distracted by a ghost of her own?
Dean Vargo

‘Love through Time’ was an enjoyable read. Barbara Woster mixes a heavy dose of imagination with realistic outcomes to create a world that the reader can appreciate.

I like how Woster weaves realistic human emotions and imperfections into her characters; this brought the story to life for me. A great example of this is in chapter 30, where Many Feathers and Wounded Eagle fight for Wounded Eagle’s Wife’s honor. The rules of the contest were changed by the chief; and the outcome of the fight was changed so Many Feathers didn’t lose honor or have to pay restitution. That was but one example of how Woster’s character required me to invest emotion into her story. As my blood boiled at the thought of Many Feathers getting off with only a cut on his arm; I had to smile. Masterfully crafted, Woster!

I also really liked how Woster can weave a narrative without using foul language. Everything about ‘Love though Time’ suggests effort and love of a story by its author.

I’d recommend Barbara Woster’s ‘Love through Time’ to anyone wanting to explore the timeless limits of true friendship!

Joe Hinchcliffe

I loved the time travel aspect, highly imaginative. It has well-developed characters and it isn't your typical love story.

Kindle Customer

I really loved this book. I love time travel romance and this one was great! 2 girls go back in time to 1869 to change the course of history. Do they succeed? Do they both make it back to the present time? How do they stop a massacre? Read this book to find out the answers to these questions!


Love Through Time is exciting to read. This book is about the friendship of Savannah Warren and Tyeshia Morgan, the best of friends that test through the length and time. Great characters, time-travel romantic adventure, and definitely not your typical love story.


Woster is a very capable writer, and the plot was pretty interesting! I finished the book in only a couple of days, which is rare for me because I juggle many books at a time.

The characters were written quite well and realistically, that was the best part for me.


Such a creative spin on time travel, love, friendship, prejudice and hate ... all woven masterfully together into a cohesive story. Well-written and compelling! I highly recommend this book!

Open Ebook Ebook Details
  • 07/2018
  • 9781732843370
  • 278 pages
  • $3.99
Paperback Book Details
  • 07/2018
  • 9781733660235
  • 260 pages
  • $13.50
