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Made in America by AmeriCANS not AmeriCANTS
AmeriCAN-do spirit is what propelled our prosperity and success for more than 200 years. It is our responsibility to perpetuate this gift for future generations of AmeriCAN freedom and advancement. Made in America by AmeriCANS not AmeriCANTS includes the following tools to aid our efforts to benefit our families, communities, and country: Including specific ideas to achieve more success: •\t46 Proven common sense AmeriCAN essays. •\t103 Motivational and inspirational quotations. •\t108 Battle's Bullets for action. •\t136 Sage American sayings. •\t250+ References of people, places, and events. Readers will elevate their patriotic appreciation for the great country we were gifted, they will be inspired to aim higher in life, and they will be motivated to persist over obstacles to achieve their goals. Stronger AmeriCANS make a stronger America. Stronger government makes weaker Americans. “In his book, Richard Battle delivers a powerful defense of the American way of life while providing unique insight for a path forward.” Bobby Burns - President & CEO of Midland Texas Chamber of Commerce, former three-term Mayor of Midland, and Director of the Shepperd Leadership Institute.
