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Amanda Gale
Maeve in the Morning
Amanda Gale, author
He's been a thorn in her side since they were teenagers. But is her nemesis in fact her greatest supporter of all? It all started senior year in high school. Maeve Sheering was closing in on valedictorian and running a meaningful campaign for class president. But her efforts were thwarted by Kyle Langahan, the bright but cocky son of scientists intent on taking down a local chemical company that was poisoning the town's water. It didn’t help that a chance encounter with him triggered events that led to one of the worst nights of her life. Twenty-three years later, Maeve is living fabulously. Fiercely independent, wickedly sharp, and infallibly stylish, she’s the communications director for a lawmaker passing a promising water safety bill. Then Kyle returns to his hometown, determined to hold the chemical company responsible once and for all. The problem is, his tactics undermine her own efforts to accomplish the same goal. Their old antagonism comes to a head when Kyle partners with Maeve’s boss, throwing them into a reluctant collaboration that could threaten the bill’s future. More disconcerting still is that the more she gets to know him, the more she realizes that their differences could be the very qualities that bind them together. The discovery requires letting go of her defenses and facing her vulnerabilities—something she may not be prepared to do. Easily read as a standalone novel or as the sequel to Catherine and the Wind, Maeve in the Morning is a story about facing demons and learning to trust others—and about how coming together for a shared purpose can lead to surprising self-discovery.
