Plot: Many A Sudden Change is a character-driven novel, rooted in the complex emotions of loss, love, forgiveness, and understanding. The storyline is smooth and emotional, and will resonate with readers long after the final page.
Prose/Style: Zacher’s prose is clear and direct. Each narrator’s voice is distinct and serves the story well.
Originality: Zacher’s novel about a family united in loss is a fresh, compelling read. Zacher skillfully portrays the struggle and joys of raising a child with autism. Ultimately, this book would be better served being classified as General Fiction than as a Mystery/Thriller.
Character Development: The characters of Many A Sudden Change are memorable and demonstrate impressive growth throughout the novel. Readers will connect with Eric, a young boy with autism, struggling after the loss of his mother and the sudden arrival of his long-lost father. Clarice, Eric’s grandmother, shows tremendous transformation throughout the course of the novel.
Date Submitted: July 13, 2020
It has been a decade since I’ve read a novel in 3 days! Tricia’s writing is as spectacular as it is moving....” Like a tornado spinning through homes, picking up family treasures and damaging them irreparably, her mind picked up precious memories and worries and toss them back-and-forth, preventing sleep.“. This is a book not only about love, perseverance, acceptance, and how hard life can be, but also tackles the wonders of death and heaven, and the very real trepidation that many of us have in discussing and understanding these ethereal concepts. Her handling of the delicate issues around mental health, PTSD, grief and autism are truly a gift to the reader. Thank you Tricia for making sure this story was told.