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Paperback Details
  • 04/2022
  • 978-1953698049
  • 92 pages
  • $12.99
Ebook Details
  • 04/2022
  • 978-1-953698-05-6 B09T6VDTR4
  • 78 pages
  • $3.99
Dan Bailes
Marlon and the Scary Something
Dan Bailes, author


“Marlon and the Scary Something” is a cozy cat adventure in a chapter book for kids.

On a lovely spring day, Marlon is enjoying his morning jaunt when he stumbles upon a creature he’s never seen before. In a panic, Marlon is caught in a full-on fear-freeze. He scurries home to hide under the tan couch in the living room, his favorite hiding place. 

Meanwhile, the creature (a dog named Kukka, with a fondness for sticks) finds Marlon’s behavior puzzling. Why did he run away before she could do a proper greeting? And Marlon? This is his first encounter with a dog and he doesn’t know what to make of it. What does the creature want? Is it friendly? Dangerous?

With his thoughts spinning out of control, Marlon is caught in a creature-feature merry-go-round of worry and anxiety. His fears are threatening to take over. Alarmed, he asks his friend, a wise sparrow named Silky, for advice. (Yes, Marlon ’s the kind of cat who can have a sparrow as a best friend.) Silky tells him the creature is probably not dangerous. 

Marlon is almost convinced and warily steps outside to try again. But when Kukka comes bounding over to play, it’s too much for Marlon and he scampers back home to hide. 

Poor Marlon, he hates being so scared. He tries to reason his way out of it but anxiety has its claws dug in and won’t let go. Before his worries completely overwhelm him, Marlon talks it over with Momma Cat. She helps him find a way to calm down and look at what is really going on. And she gives him some helpful strategies for dealing with fear and anxiety. 

Using her tools, Marlon starts to question his fears. He comes to understand they were not based in what happened, but what he worried might happen. He realizes that Kukka did not do anything to scare or hurt him. Rather, it is Marlon’s fear of the unknown that is fueling his anxiety. 

In a previous book, Marlon found a way to gain Silky’s trust and become friends. Hoping it might be possible to do the same with Kukka, he summons his courage and goes out to meet her. And in a sweet gesture, shows her that they can play together as friends. Which is how the book ends, with a joyful romp.  

“Marlon and the Scary Something” uses humor and a light touch to explore the themes of finding courage, facing your fears and getting back on your feet. The book is written for kids 6-9 and cat lovers everywhere. Oh, and dog lovers too!


Crowvus Book Reviews

It is a charming book, and one which deals with issues of anxiety and fear in childhood… Marlon is a charming little guy, and his newfound fear (or friend?!) is written brilliantly too. I'm looking forward to taking this book into school - I can already think of one or two pupils who will really enjoy and benefit from this book.

Wishing Shelf Book Awards

A cool feline character must face the unknown in this sweetly told adventure for young children. A FINALIST and highly recommended.

Book wins indieBRAG Medallion

I'm thrilled to announce that Marlon and the Scary Something has won an indieBRAG Medallion

Wishing Shelf Book Awards Finalist

I'm excited to announce that Marlon and the Scary Something was chosen as a Wishing Shelf Book Awards Finalist in the Books for 6-8 Year Olds category.

Paperback Details
  • 04/2022
  • 978-1953698049
  • 92 pages
  • $12.99
Ebook Details
  • 04/2022
  • 978-1-953698-05-6 B09T6VDTR4
  • 78 pages
  • $3.99
