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Ebook Details
  • 09/2022
  • 979-8848176063 B0BBSC74XC
  • 292 pages
  • $4.99
Cathrina Constantine
Marly in Pieces

A Blood Promise ~ A Vow Honored

Marly refuses to believe her friend Rae committed suicide. Even though her wrists were slit, Marly knows her beautiful, vibrant bestie would never do that.

Even though the two had drifted apart, Marly and Rae made a blood promise long ago. Even in death, Marly intends to honor that vow. Determined to find Rae’s killer, Marly faces a long list of potential suspects. It seems everyone has secrets or lies that they are covering up...including the boy she loves.

Can Marly uncover the murderer’s identity before she becomes the next victim?

Reader's Favorite Editorial Review
  • Author Cathrina Constantine offers the true definition of a thriller, keeping readers firmly on the edge of their seats from cover to cover in a compelling and dynamic fashion. Whilst the sensitive themes of teen suicide are prevalent right from the novel's earliest pages, what develops beyond this is really a tale of friendship, trust, and coping with loss, which is enormously fulfilling and intriguing to read. Marly is a well-developed hero for the task at hand, with smarts and charm and a true heart. This makes it easy to root for her and have your heart in your throat when she discovers the dangers waiting around every corner of this sharp-edged plot. This results in a deep connection to the book and, when combined with the very descriptive murder mystery atmosphere, it makes Marly in Pieces a truly un-put-down-able read. I would highly recommend it to fans of both YA and adult thriller fiction alike.
Ebook Details
  • 09/2022
  • 979-8848176063 B0BBSC74XC
  • 292 pages
  • $4.99
