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Matters of the Heart
Matters of the Heart is a collection of poetry about the inevitable nature of falling, and all the motions that it entails; innocent longing leading to learning, but never enough to avoid falling again. This chapbook aims to be a sincere depiction of what it means to fall, with the good and the not so good, with poems being emblems for truths once lived, even if it's in imagination. The poems came about when seeking beautiful moments that no longer are, turned into words to be found again when confronted with their ephemeral nature, romanticized moments that could not be replicated and that are still lingering between the verses. These poems are like love letters never sent, the expression and embodiment of a love that has never met the lover. As vulnerable as infatuation may feel to confess and write about, this book aims to connect with the infatuated reader, and this book is a celebration of such matters.
