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Maybe Colours
'Maybe Colours' is a meditation on possibilities and was the basis of a course developed in Sweden to support and specifically promote a new EQ curriculum (emotional intelligence) in schools there. It is a meditation on possibilities through the theme of having many sources of the 'same'. Essentially Maybe Colours was written with a view to encouraging tolerance and understanding – the word “maybe” is a “pivot” for perspective-taking, enabling us to consider other possibilities for meanings, concepts and in real-life situations we can find ourselves in. Developing children’s abilities to consider alternative perspectives about sources of colour, associations with objects or animals in the world has real-world applications: misunderstandings often occur when we do not consider alternative possibilities of meaning when engaging with other people. The active use of this word may help to prevent such misunderstandings and to encourage open-minded thinking. This book is also considered appropriate for encouraging children to develop present moment awareness through reading. The nature of the book, from the content, illustration and even in considering the layout and size are designed to give children a sense of space for reflection. It was written to provide an opportunity for a dialogue with children about their experience of colour. It also conveys that there are many different sources and shades of the 'same colour', (it's not all black and white) and that every colour has its place and equal significance.
