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Paperback Details
  • 00/2023
  • 9798886933604
  • 172 pages
  • $$12.95
ePub Details
  • 00/2023
  • 9798886933611
  • 172 pages
  • $$4.50
Don Moore
Memories of “A Kid from the Heights”
Don Moore, author
As the years go by and each step I take brings me closer to the end of my journey, coupled with the advent of isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic, I started reconnecting with many childhood friends via social media. The past two years of isolation brought the realization that this unique era we shared in a remote village during the 50s and 60s will never be available again to future generations, and that generations born after the 50s and 60s lose the likelihood of ever having an opportunity to experience this phenomenon with each passing generation. With the encouragement of friends and acquaintances, I penned my Memories of Being a Kid from the Heights, how these experiences of ethics and morals molded our characters, and how these often comical encounters and responsibilities would benefit us while navigating life with our children. These two decades provided a lifestyle that evaporated and elapsed with each sun rotation.
Paperback Details
  • 00/2023
  • 9798886933604
  • 172 pages
  • $$12.95
ePub Details
  • 00/2023
  • 9798886933611
  • 172 pages
  • $$4.50

