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Paperback Book Details
  • 02/2024
  • 9781958315149
  • 274 pages
  • $15.99
Ebook Details
  • 12/2024
  • 274 pages
  • $2.99
Stormy McDonald
Message for the Devil

Roger Vaughn must discover the true story behind the legend of Lavinia Fisher, the first female serial killer executed in South Carolina.

"At the hanging, Lavinia Fisher's last words to the minister and the gathered audience were, 'Cease! I will have none of it. Save your words for others who want them. But if you have a message for the devil, give it to me; I'll carry it.' And with that, she leapt off the platform, hanging herself and stealing the privilege from the executioner. A lot of people say it was those words that doomed her. God wanted to pardon her, but she refused it, and the devil didn't want to hear her message."

Two weeks after he and his friends escape the haunted Charleston Gaol, Roger Vaughn has his first client: the ghost of John Fisher. He tasks Roger with finding his wife before the Jack Ketch — the gaol's ghostly executioner — does.

When Roger's investigation sparks a series of murders, he finds himself embroiled in a one-hundred-fifty-year-old mystery. Is Lavinia seeking revenge on the descendants of those who sentenced her and her husband to hang? Or has something more diabolical been released from the Old City Gaol?

Get your copy of Message for the Devil today and find out!

Paperback Book Details
  • 02/2024
  • 9781958315149
  • 274 pages
  • $15.99
Ebook Details
  • 12/2024
  • 274 pages
  • $2.99
