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Paperback Book Details
  • 9781720905158 1720905150
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Midnight Comes (Refractions: Fairytales between the lines)
SJ Blasko, author
Once upon a time... There was a sorceress, who cursed a prince to become as beastly as his pride There was a daughter, who watched from her window and ached to see the world There was a mermaid, who traded her voice for a human soul There was a stepmother, who saw beauty only in others, never in herself And there was a boy, who forgot the warmth of love. The six narrative poems which make up Midnight Comes are the debut collection of author SJ Blasko. Explore the darker, more human side of these classic fairytales and rediscover the characters as they are given a voice of their own.
Paperback Book Details
  • 9781720905158 1720905150
  • pages
  • $
