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Simone Derman
Mindful Me Lifeskills Journal
Mindful Me Lifeskills Journal is a one-of-a-kind activity journal that takes kids on a journey of self-discovery as they learn social-emotional skills in a child-friendly way. The Journal is colorfully illustrated with relatable characters. There are 2 stories geared to teached children the power of positive thinking, having a growth mindset and what happens when you never give up! Thus buidling their self esteem and confidence. There are activities and lessons, like planning and goal setting and whats really going on in your brain when you get upset. The daily journalling pages are designed to give children a safe space to express themselves though writing and/or drawing. Explore there own feelings and beliefs and become more self aware. Its a punch, all in one journal that teaches children healthy coping mechanisms and essential lifeskills that they will need to thrive in life and face obstacles fearlessly.
