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Simone Derman
Mindful Me Lifeskills Journal
The Mindful Me Lifeskills Journal is a very unique guide that takes kids on a journey of self-discovery. Designed without gender bias, using characters that all kids can identify with. This book will help children be able to identify their feelings, understand where they come from and what’s happening in their bodies when they feel overwhelmed. Best of all, they get shown different coping strategies and ways of regulating themselves with or without the help of an adult. The book also touches on the importance of having a growth mindset, gratitude, kindness and compassion and how to implement these concepts with others but especially towards themselves. They are shown that making mistakes are essential for learning and don’t have to be seen as a setback but rather an opportunity to improve. The book was designed to help children learn important lifeskills and tools they can use throughout their lives to thrive and not just survive. Empowering each child with the tools and knowledge to live their best lives, full of confidence, self belief and resilience. Completing this journal together with a parent, will be a great bonding experience as children learn about themselves while having a safe adult/container to express themselves with and bounce ideas off. This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know your child and connect on a much deeper level. My only vision is to create deeper family connections and raise a more conscious generation, one little human at a time.
