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R Christian Bohlen
Miracle at Angels Bend
Four people encounter a mysterious book. Their lives will never be the same. A budding musician living in the fast lane. An aspiring missionary using opioids to cope with family loss. A husband grappling with his marriage to a mentally ill spouse. An outspoken journalist in love with a married man. The topic of this mystery book? The life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Through the historically accurate life of Christ, these modern-day disciples in crisis experience unforeseeable miracles of the soul. Inspired by actual events and people, Miracle at Angels Bend is accessible for readers new to the Christian faith, as well as deep enough for someone looking for richer doctrinal perspectives and life application insights. Any modern reader will relate to this contemporary tale of overcoming darkness through true, transformative belief in the Light of the World. Suited for personal enjoyment and Christian reading groups. Step into Angels Bend and experience your own miraculous faith journey today.
