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paperback and e-book Details
  • 6/19/2014
  • 978-1-4969-1851-2 978-1-4969-1852-9
  • 106 pages
  • $$31.99 (paperback) $7.99 (e-book)
Molly and Babou

 As she trots through the forest in autumn, Molly meets Babou, a bear. She wants no one, including her adopted sisters, Rags and Pupsie, to find out about the friendship they develop. Babou takes Molly for rides on his back through the woods. They meet an arrogant fox, a heart broken raccoon. Molly is devastated when Babou leaves her to return north to hibernate.                      

A harsh winter passes. Babou comes back to seek her help with an orphaned, sick cub Coco, that he has brought with him. Molly’s initial jealousy soon gives way to a sincere desire to help. The cub needs milk to survive. They search coconut palm trees by the lakes in the forest. They meet a hungry coyote and an opossum whose babies are starving. In their search, they realize that builders have cut down trees and are in the process of blowing up the rock faces.

One morning, Rags and Pupsie follow Molly into the woods and discover Babou and Coco who is close to death. Pupsie suggests getting the help of dada, a veterinarian, in solving Coco’s health problems.  Rags comes up with a plan to entice him to follow them into the woods and let him discover the little cub for himself. Every body is thrilled to see that Coco is responding well to treatment and food. Trembling with fear, Molly overhears mama and dada talking about what the future holds in store for Babou and Coco with the Fish and Wildlife service. 

The three dogs and the bears enjoy adventures in the forest together. Coco comes to life. Babou decides to take her back north to the mountains to try and find a mama bear to teach her the ways of the wild. The dogs are very sad to see their friends leaving. Trying to be brave, Molly whispers, “Ready, steady, go!” Babou gives one of his funny little bounces in the air, turns and disappears into the twilight with the little Coco on his back.

paperback and e-book Details
  • 6/19/2014
  • 978-1-4969-1851-2 978-1-4969-1852-9
  • 106 pages
  • $$31.99 (paperback) $7.99 (e-book)
