The story follows Loukas Asbjorn, a withdrawn 20-year-old eldest son of the richest family in the country. After an undisclosed incident during childhood, Loukas was left with more loneliness and an unsavory interest in tasting human flesh. While attending university, he tries to keep that part of himself hidden, finding his only solace in a journal provided to him by his church therapist to remedy his sinful thoughts.
There, he meets a much older man, Hide, whose new job as a repairman disrupts Loukas' quiet library job. He's vulgar, rude---everything Loukas has been taught to find heretical. Someone the Asbjorns would look down upon, right down to the horns atop Hide's top. As a beast-kin, his animal-like features made Hide stand out as a spectacle and a target, but that didn't stop him from flaunting everything about himself. His outlandish antics were a thorn in Loukas' side, but Hide began to grow fond of the quiet boy who was an outsider just like him.
As much Loukas tries to keep a distance their friendship transcends campus grounds and Loukas' finds that his casual curiosity about the goat-man fill the pages of his journal. His smell, his laugh, his lewd jokes, the not-so-conservative way he dresses. All of it overtakes Loukas' mind, and the horrendous thoughts he can't bare to write in his journal awake. The things Loukas had suppressed for years gets harder to keep under wraps, yet hurting Hide is the last thing he wants to do. However Hide may be looking for him to do just that.