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Paul Kalra
Mool Mantra the Spiritual Path to God
Paul Kalra, author
Website: More than a third of Americans and Europeans say they are spiritual, but not religious, according to Pew Research Center. Spirituality was a religion without ritual or priesthood. Mool Mantra—the spiritual path to God will help you connect and harmonize directly with God without priests, rituals or holy books. Guru Nanak, the first Sikh guru has revealed to us the nature of the infinite truth in the Mool Mantra. An all-loving, inclusive, non-judgmental—God who does not demand compliance with meaningless rituals and ordinances using rewards and punishments. As a believer in a spiritual God you’re not blindly accepting a faith passed down from your parents living in fear, guilt, reprisals for sins in heaven, hell or the next incarnation. You can live a life promoting broad well being by advancing compassion, equality, self-determination and other values that allow individuals to flourish and live in a community with each other. Quotations: You will be purified only if you are prepared to be annihilated. It is only when you have annihilated the 5 vices- lust, wrath, greed, attachment and ego – from within you, you will come a step closer to meeting God. – Paul Kalra The main source of the present-day conflicts between the spheres of religion and of science lies in this concept of a personal God: a judgmental deity who could meddle at whim in the events of his creation. – Albert Einstein Limiting our desires to those things under our control puts us on the spiritual road to tranquility, contentment and compassion. – Marcus Aurelius The philosophy of Spinoza, a man whose very life is a picture of that moral purity and intellectual indifference to the transitory charms of this world, which is the constant longing of the true Vedanta philosopher -- Sanskritist Theodor Goldstiicker
