Plot: Cray's novel offers a highly intriguing work of fiction that focuses on the topic of remote perception--deftly explored through an unexpected and engaging storyline. The author's convincing integration of ideas relating to linguistics and neurology, provide a degree of verisimilitude to the sci-fi elements.
Prose: Cray's language is strong and consistent, though the prose carries less impact than the bold and weighty concept behind the book itself.
Originality: This novel takes a fascinating approach to the topics of ancient languages and linguistics. What is lost when a language becomes extinct? Are there ghostly echoes of such languages accessible to some among us? Such intriguing questions populate Cray's unconventional story.
Character Development: The central character's unusual interest in forgotten languages provides artful foreshadowing. Additional characters from unique backgrounds and ages offer the story additional substance.
Date Submitted: August 09, 2019
"A smart, unorthodox, and delectable superpower tale.” – Kirkus Reviews