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mothers of the projects
Mothers of the Projects provide an inside perspective on the often-untold stories of the people living in the Henry Horner projects in Chicago, particularly the mothers. It underscores the critical role of community for survival, illustrating how the protagonist, Jamesetta, leans on other women for guidance through her journey of overcoming the pain and achieving triumph. The book captures the highs and lows, emphasizing that the strength of the community is essential for survival.
Frank Fetter

Frank Fetters

Mon, Jul 8, 11:19 AM

to me

There were many places where I craved more information.  By that, I don't mean to suggest that your story was inadequate in any way.  I feel that more information at several points in the story would have undercut the then emotionally punishing surprises you wrote about.  I'll give you just one example where I could have easily opened a book to read about a development with just one of the characters you wrote about.  For instance, I ask myself, "What's the rest of the story about Tanya?"  I could easily see the creation of a novel called TANYA'S STORY.   I was craving more specific information related to her early days, what she endured, what she missed, what she found herself replacing it with, followed by her perspective on the situation that caused the murder.  And then I wanted to know how the rest of her life worked out.  Did she spend the rest of her life in jail, and then die?  Or did she get out and forge a different life for herself?  And who would be her allies?  Her enemies?  I mean, you made her so memorable that I just wanted to know more!


Also, I know why you steered away from it, but I think at least some hond of a continuing story could be written about the redemption of Jamesetta, and other characters as well, after these events in the Projects took place.  In my mind, you could write at least one other novel on the trials and tribulations of Wanda, among others.  So now I think you can see why this could make a series.  But I've got to get off this computer and nurse a punishing headache I'm suffering from.  I'll probably lie down for a while. Burt, hopefully, you can see what I mean when I say there is much more to write.  People know so little, although they'd never admit it, about the individual families in the many black communities within the City of Chicago.  No need to write back.  I just wanted to get that said.


Have a great rest of your day!



