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Peter Teuscher
What if you could remove all the obstacles in the way of your happiness? Imagine defining what happiness means to you, and achieving it, on your own terms. Happiness is individual and nuanced, and many people seem to spend their whole lives striving for it. But does a checklist defined by society truly guarantee happiness? This book provides years worth of coaching to help you create change and realise your potential. Peter Teuscher brings his life experiences, shaped by his work as a life coach, to challenge the stereotypical notion of happiness and introduce a new way of thinking about it. Rethinking Happiness is a guide to help you: Evaluate your current state of happiness Become aware of how your personal beliefs affect your life Gain clarity about your own definition of happiness Develop new strategies to make choices for a happier life Engage in more things that make you happy on a daily basis Learn habits to help you find joy in the moment Realize that everything you need to be happy is already within you.
