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MUSIC IN MY LIFE: Notes From a Longtime Fan
About MUSIC IN MY LIFE: Notes From a Longtime Fan Rock & roll first spoke to Alec Wightman as a ten-year-old boy when he heard Dion sing “The Wanderer” on his transistor radio. Over the next sixty years, Wightman would listen to countless records, chase live shows from coast to coast, promote singer-songwriter acts through his own concert production company, and work with leaders in the music industry as a member and chair of the board of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame—all while maintaining his day job as a successful corporate lawyer.

"Wightman tells a great story, and the passion for music and connecting people through music--fans and artists, fans and fans--has never died. He's never self-aggrandizing, but he gives the artists the stage, sharing the gifts they bring in a song."


"Wightman tells a great story, and the passion for music and connecting people through music--fans and artists, fans and fans--has never died. He's never self-aggrandizing, but he gives the artists the stage, sharing the gifts they bring in a song."

