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Paperback Book Details
  • 10/2021
  • 9781777768904 177776890X
  • 102 pages
  • $9.99
Hardcover Book Details
  • 07/2022
  • 9781777768935
  • 104 pages
  • $19.99
Priyanka Das
My Magic Mirror: Adventure and Mystery in the Magical world of Fantasy

Middle Grade; General Fiction (including literary and historical); (Publish)

A "Readers' Favourite" Gold Award Winner!

EXCERPTS from the book
"....All I see is a golden ray of light. There is no landing spot visible in my line of sight.
It feels like I am on a high-speed rollercoaster. I want to scream again, but I am paralyzed. Paralyzed, and, apparently, upside-down."

Retelling of the Tale “The Three Little Pigs” with a unique spin at the end!

My Magic Mirror is a children's fantasy adventure story by eight-year-old author Anushka Bhattacharjee.
With her unleashed imagination, Anushka portrays how child authors can have a totally different take on a plot.

When Ara moves to a new country, she does not know what could make things worse, when suddenly she does. Or not? May be her life will get interesting now!

One day, while exploring the mirror in the basement, Ara and her little brother, Felice, are sucked into it and they land in the story of The Three Little Pigs!
What is their mission in this magical world of talking animals?

As the siblings start helping the pigs, they realize the Big Bad Wolf may not be as bad.
They soon uncover the underlying conspiracy how the pigs were disappearing from Pown: The Pig Town

Can Ara and Felice save the pigs? Is Pown safe now?
How do the siblings get back home?

Find out in the book: My Magic Mirror

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

My Magic Mirror is a children's fantasy adventure story by eight-year-old author Anushka Bhattacharjee. Nine-year-old Ara is not pleased when she and her five-year-old brother Felice have to move to Toronto, Canada, because of their mother's new job. One day, while exploring the mirror in the basement, the siblings are sucked into it and find themselves in the story of the three little pigs. After Ara relates the story to her brother, Felice proposes an audacious plan to save the pigs from the Big Bad Wolf. Ara and Felice start helping the pigs one by one, only to realize the Big Bad Wolf may not be as bad as they previously thought. They uncover an underlying conspiracy that was making pigs disappear in the small town of Pown. Now, can they return back home?


Anushka Bhattacharjee spins an absorbing yarn that will have kids transported to a magical world full of talking animals. My Magic Mirror is a captivating read filled with eye-catching illustrations that make the story all the more immersive. The characters are vibrant and brimming with life. Their colorful personas make them pop out of the pages and keep you entertained until the end. My Magic Mirror offers plenty of exciting moments while teaching kids the valuable lesson of working together and how everything is not always how it seems. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Any child who loves adventure and fantasy stories will have a wonderful time reading this book. Recommended to kids under the age of twelve.


Gold Medal Winner

Readers' Favorite - Gold Medal Winner for the Category Children-Grade 4th-6th

Paperback Book Details
  • 10/2021
  • 9781777768904 177776890X
  • 102 pages
  • $9.99
Hardcover Book Details
  • 07/2022
  • 9781777768935
  • 104 pages
  • $19.99
