My Name Is Ben
Karl Bullock, author
Tom Reed is an Applied Physicist working on a project he developed for the military. While the
original idea was to instantly transport matériel using a time/space portal rather than conventional
transportation methods, he realized it could also be used to transport people and things in time. He
developed a way to bring historical figures from the past into present day without disturbing their lives
in the past. When Tom activates this transport, he finds himself sitting across from our favorite kite-
flying Founding Father!
We have all either thought or heard the phrase “What would the Founders think if they were alive
today?” Well, we find out in My Name Is Ben. Over the period of several days, Tom and his
colleagues acquaint our most famous scientist to the wonders, and the disappointments, of what has
become of America since our Constitution was signed in 1787. As much as he is amazed at the
technological advances, he is disappointed in some of the social and political issues that we, as
Americans, face every day. Franklin, not one to sit idly by and watch, eventually finds himself to the
Oval Office and the halls of Congress, where he has some things to say.
Tom and his wife become friends with Dr. Franklin, and help him assimilate himself into 21 st century
life. He even becomes a fixture in Tom’s Church and Sunday School class. In the climactic ending of
the book, Tom discovers that no matter how smart we think we are, there is a master plan in place.