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Paperback Details
  • 01/2024
  • 978-0982833643
  • 97 pages
  • $27.95
Kara Rubinstein Deyerin
Author, Illustrator, Service Provider
My Re-Birthday Book
Embark on a journey of self-discovery with the My Re-Birthday Book, a beautifully crafted companion for those navigating the rich and complex tapestry of genetic discovery, family, and identity. Whether you're adopted, donor-conceived, or have experienced an NPE, misattributed parentage, or a DNA surprise, this memory book provides a space for you to bear witness to your unfolding narrative. Illuminate the pages with photos, mementos, and responses to writing prompts that explore the depths of your experiences, family connections, and identity. This is book stands as a testament to your personal evolution through the seasons, a celebration of your unique story, and a validation of the resilience and bravery that define your journey. The My Re-Birthday Book is a chronicle of your journey, inviting you to give your voice, your memories, and your legacy a place of honor within its pages. This is Your Story—written by you and for you about the incredible journey that shapes who you are.
Dr. Jodi Klugman-Rabb, LMFT, Professor of Counseling Psychology at Dominican U

The Rebirthday Book is indispensable in rebuilding identity after an MPE discovery and DNA surprise. There are so many questions that come up when navigating this discovery and the Rebirthday Book helps put things into perspective and make choices you could easily get stuck in without the guidance of the rebirthday prompts.

Peter J. Boni Author, Uprooted: Family Trauma, Unknown Origins, and the Secretiv

What a wonderful tool to re-write my childhood baby book and revealingly communicate who I have grown to become. The Re-Birthday Book, grouped in seasonal, unfolding stages (Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer), intimately portrays the entire emotional process of being reborn via later-in-life genetic discovery. Thanks to transparent truths about heritage, all misattributed people can sensitively create a family heirloom from the reflections that this innovative, pictorial journal will enable. Nice job!

Paperback Details
  • 01/2024
  • 978-0982833643
  • 97 pages
  • $27.95
