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Marnie Dachis Marmet
My Song, Unleashed
As a child, Marnie’s unique voice earned her the nickname “The Rasp” from her dad. When other adults told her she’d never be a singer or that she talked too much, not only did Marnie start silencing herself, but she also began questioning her internal voice. She knew when she shared her truth—the way she’d done during a schoolwide presentation as a teen—it was life- changing. But more often, like many young women trying to make their way in the world, she muted and molded herself to accommodate others. It wasn’t until she traveled abroad and created a life far from home that she started finding her way back to her inner voice. And as she continued to explore the globe and connect with nature and with others, she discovered her inner voice was amplified. In her memoir, “My Song, Unleashed,” Marnie Dachis Marmet takes readers through her journey of personal transformation. From the painful experiences that make her question everything to the beautiful revelations that bare the truth, Marnie ultimately shares what every woman needs to know: When you pay attention to and trust your voice, it leads you to what you truly want and value and, ultimately, what makes your heart sing.
Health coach and entrepreneur Marmet debuts with an intimate memoir detailing her journey to personal and professional fulfillment. She recounts several life-altering moments from childhood through adulthood, including her father’s drug and alcohol addictions, her mother’s battle with breast cancer, an accident that ends in family tragedy, and, most central to her story, her own feelings of inadequacy, which lead to years of sacrificing her true voice to please others. Through hard lessons learned as a young wife, mother, and professional, Marmet ultimately masters how to honor her own needs and ambitions—and discovers an entire world of possibilities in the process.

Readers who have faced self-doubt will recognize themselves in Marmet’s struggles. While relating how her raspy voice during sixth grade choir tryouts led to years of embarrassment, Marmet muses “How do you learn that what you have to say is important, that your stories matter?” That sentiment forms the backbone of the memoir, as she delves into her father’s addiction treatment and eventual sobriety, her own early career strain, and her marriage to Jordan—a decision that requires her to put her plans for a master’s degree on hold and instead move with Jordan to Tel Aviv, Israel, for his medical school studies. In time, Marmet understands the need to pursue her own passions, though she never presents that transformation as easy. When her love of yoga becomes a critical tool for her own peace amidst life’s struggles, she builds on that knowledge to become a certified health coach and co-create a podcast focused on authentic, healthy living.

Though the opportunities afforded Marmet may not be available to everyone, there are moments of loss, tragedy, and heartbreak in these pages that will resonate with any reader—and Marmet’s willingness to be vulnerable is refreshing. The overarching message is crucial: celebrate that inner voice—it deserves to be heard.

Takeaway: Passionate memoir of discovering one’s true voice.

Comparable Titles: Glynnis MacNicol’s No One Tells You This, Amy Turner’s On the Ledge.

Production grades
Cover: A-
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: NA
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A

